“Our instincts are right,” said the
preacher, “sickness is a horrible thing.” When faced with this ‘horrible thing’
or any suffering, there are two equal
and opposite errors that we may fall into. The first is to minimize it; the
second to glorify it. The minimizers tell us that things are not as bad as they
seem, or even that suffering is an illusion. Positive thinking, they say, will
make suffering feel less, or banish it altogether, in the case of Christian
The second case is more difficult,
because there is much in scripture that recognizes the potential of suffering
for growth: the school of life forms us; hard experiences toughen us, and
according to St Paul, ‘all things work together for good for those who love
God’ (Romans 8.28). However, Paul nowhere says that all [bad] things are good,
and it is only a Job’s comforter who can tell someone in pain that suffering is
a blessing in itself.
The hard truth that faces us as
Christians is that we believe in a good and powerful God, yet live with
suffering caused by ‘natural’ events
as well as by human sin. We also see that the consequences of such events and
actions are unevenly (and, it is often said, unfairly) distributed, with the
weak and marginalized experiencing much more than their ‘fair share.’ Some
conclude in the end that God is truly good, but powerless to deal with evil;
others that he is powerful, but not truly good.
This may sound like a counsel of despair or an insoluble paradox. After
all, Christian philosophers and theologians have debated for millennia without
coming to a common mind. Yet there is much that can be said, and our preamble
so far is part of it: as Christians, we need to engage in an honest and hard
conversation about suffering. Those who ask us the question ‘Why?’ will quickly
sniff out our clichés, defensive responses or excuses. We don’t begin to
address the question with a set of clever words but with a Christian stance, in which we offer our questioners our vulnerable,
risky, self-emptying life.
This brings us to the threefold
heart of our response: it is at once theological, pastoral and spiritual. Each
part of this response is grounded in biblical principles, and each is crucial in the face of the cries of those
who suffer.
A theological response
Scripture teaches that God is
sovereign in all things. There is nothing over which God has no control. The
created universe is sustained only by his continuing
interest, will and power. We, pinnacle though we are of that creation, made ‘in
the image and likeness of God’, remain creaturely, things of earth,
life-breathed only because God wills it.
The clue lies in the ‘image and
likeness’. This is not our rationality, our speech, or some other supposed
superior faculty, but the fact that we have been invited to share with God in
his character, his purposes, and in the very community of the Godhead, Father,
Son and Holy Spirit. In this invitation lies God’s risky choice to allow us a
share in the divine project, and not to act without us. In this lies God’s
love, our freedom, God’s risk and our fall from grace.
Is it worth it? God thought so, and
thinks so: he has promised never again to destroy the world through flood. He
has sent his only Son, to live and die for us, and raised him from death as the
first-fruits of our resurrection. Peter reminds us that through God’s promises
we ‘may escape from the corruption that is in the world because of lust, and
may become participants in the divine nature’ (2 Peter 1.4).
It is not so much that God ‘allows’
suffering. God risks suffering for
the sake of an intimate relationship with us as his people, a relationship
almost of equals, in which we are deeply involved in God’s saving work as ‘the body of Christ.’ To this end, we are
given freedom of choice and the grace of redemption when we fall.
A pastoral
There are a few who need such
theology in the midst of their distress. I suspect that it is mostly we – the
ones who are questioned – who need to have biblical theology engraved on our
minds and souls. Whether we repeat it to those who struggle must be a matter of
deep discernment; and sometimes we must keep our counsel, knowing that God has a broad back and is perfectly capable of
defending himself.
Pastorally, we sometimes sense that
our questioner asks ‘Why?’ out of a sense of isolation and deep loneliness.
Evil cuts us off from those whom we have loved, and suffering loses us friends.
Many tell of bereavement becoming a living hell not so much in the loss of
someone loved, but in the loss of community, when supposed friends cross the
road to the other side, not knowing what to say.
The truth is that they need to say
nothing; they are simply needed alongside, in silence, in shared
incomprehension, in a journey accompanied, in deep friendship. This is at the
heart of the Christian gospel because it is at the heart of what Jesus did.
This is the God of whom we ask our question ‘Why?’ The pastoral answer from God
is that ‘I was there with you.’ Moltmann calls Jesus the crucified God: this is
the ultimate ‘there with you’ from God. The promise is that this will never
change: ‘I am with you always, to the end of the age.’
spiritual response
It is a risky business inviting
those who suffer to pray, but it is often all we have and all we need. We
ourselves are in a living relationship with a God who, we believe, cares far
more deeply than we, but we have no proof to offer in this case. So we offer an
invitation instead. The invitation may lead to violent or bitter words, to
recrimination or anguish. But it is here, in the truth of expressed pain, that
new life may emerge as the Holy Spirit begins to work.
I once worked with a curate in an
abusive relationship with his incumbent, and encouraged him to write an
imaginary letter to the man expressing
his feelings. When the letter came to me, it began: ‘Dear D, s***, s***, s***.
Out of that painful writing began his healing. How much better if we could help
others unburden themselves to a compassionate God rather than to a caring
In the fire of conversion, or
reconversion, the ‘why’ of suffering is not always answered, but is woven into
the fabric of this new life. Chaos and pointlessness begin to be replaced by
meaning and direction: God’s meaning, and God’s direction. Even where there are no words to be spoken, only silence
to be endured, waiting beside the suffering one until God comes gives courage.
We who know how to wait contribute persistence; those who struggle bring their
pain. Together, by God’s grace, persistence in pain may lead into a place of
2011 Adrian Chatfield